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Summer Truffle
There is no season for this truffle.
Truffle slicer
35,00 €
Truffle slicer
35,00 €

Truffle oil Bianco
15,50 € per bottle
Truffle slicer
35,00 €
We only sell fresh and exclusive truffles!
Our truffle assortment consists of the most different exclusive, noble & extraordinary truffles, which impress with their freshness & quality and make their consumption a true pleasure for your palate.
"The Mozart among the mushrooms" - Gioacchino Rossini
"The black diamonds of the kitchen" - brilliant Savarin
Cooking is your passion, then look under our heading "Blog". Here you will find delicious cooking recipes around the theme of truffles and truffle products including the matching delicious spices or spice blends. Do you like saffron? The right recipe is definitely there for you.
What are truffles?
A variety of bulbous, mostly underground mushrooms are colloquially referred to as truffles, with a distinction between real and false truffles. The genus Tuber, to which the truffles belong in the narrower sense, designate some of the most expensive and culinary most valuable mushrooms.
The word "truffle" goes back to the French origin "truffle" and this word again to the Latin language with the word "tuber", which means as much as bump or swelling. From German, the word has spread into Danish ("trøffel") and Swedish ("tryffel"). The grammatical gender of the word varies between masculine and feminine and thus also its plural formation (if masculine, truffle as in singular, if feminine, truffles).
The first indications of the truffle go back to the year 3000 before Christ and have their beginning in Mesopotamia. Since then, the delicacy has become so popular among gourmets that the most adventurous speculations have been made about the origin and life of the precious tuber.
An older name for truffles is nut fungus. Other old names are Erdmorgeln, Erdschwämme, Grieblinge and peanuts.
Truffles are used more as a spice, rarely in larger quantities.
If you want to store your truffles at short notice please note the following:
Black truffles should be carefully cleaned with a brush. You can then store them in a closed terracotta vessel for up to 10 days.
White truffles can be stored only two to seven days. Wrap the truffles in air-permeable paper and place them in a glass jar and then in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. Change the paper once or twice a day. If you prefer a different method, wrap the truffles in paper and store in rice. The truffles give off their taste to the rice. In this way, the storage can be done for one to two days.
If you would like to store your truffles for a long time, we recommend the following methodology:
Black truffles should be placed in lukewarm water for a quarter of an hour and then thoroughly brushed off. Put the truffles in a glass jar, seal and sterilize in a water bath for three hours.